On Saturday, May 18th ‘The Graybeards’ in partnership with ‘The RIBS’ will be sponsoring a FOOD DRIVE to help stock the various food pantries throughout the Rockaways. Blue collection bags have been distributed throughout the neighborhood. If you did not receive a blue bag in your mailbox you can put your donations in any plastic bag. Collection of the food will be Saturday, May 18th. Just leave your donation outside your front door before 9AM next Saturday and someone will be by to pick it up. If for some reason your donation does not get picked up on Saturday you can drop it off at St. Francis de Sales Rectory 129-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Please consider giving generously.

*Please do not drop off donations at the Graybeards office.

You can also help with a money donation for the food drive.

Graybeard Supporters

Sending Soldiers to Disney